Selasa, 30 April 2013

vegetarianism?is that possible

Hi guys
today im gonna talk bout my hope our only world which is earth
so guy, do you have any idea bout vegetarianism?if no dont worry i got the answer from google

Vegetarianism is the practice of abstaining from the consumption of meat-red,poultry, seafood and the flesh of any other animal; it may also include abstention from by-products of animal slaughter , such as animal-derived rennet and gelatin.

Environmental vegetarianism is based on the concern that the production of meat and animal products for mass consumption, especially through factory farming, is environmentally unsustainable. According to a 2006 United Nations initiative, the livestock industry is one of the largest contributors to environmental degradation worldwide, and modern practices of raising animals for food contribute on a "massive scale" to air and water pollution, land degradation, climate change, and loss of biodiversity. The initiative concluded that "the livestock sector emerges as one of the top two or three most significant contributors to the most serious environmental problems, at every scale from local to global. In addition, animal agriculture is a large source of greenhouse gases.

so basically what im trying to say is I want to reduce pollution i caused to lower lever by becoming a vegetarian. If this is the best way to reduce pollution I will do it. You dont have to follow my ways because its very hard. As a future leader of revolution, I will practice anything that doesnt harm the world and other including you.

Starting today I am a vegetarian. But my vegetarian ways is not really extreme, I eat meat  twice a week only. Its very hard to not to eat meat you know. Bye, thats all.


presentation is cool

Ladies and Gentlemen
Today im gonna talk bout my presentation tomorrow.  My presentation topic is TATASUSILA and gonna present it in LT Room. To be honest with u guys  Im pretty nervous, shaking and scare now. even walking is very hard for me. But I will present u guys to my very best.


and more awesome assignment

I was given an assignment from my teacher name Sir Rahat Aziz on 20 april 2013. The title of the assigment is Transverse bending. 

Transverse bending

The transverse structure of a ship is subject to three different types of loading:
·        Forces due to weights of the ship structure, machinery, fuel, water and cargo.
·        Water pressure plus forces due to wind and waves plus machinery motion.
·        Forces created by longitudinal bending.

The deck must be designed to support the weight of accomodation, winches and cargo. While exposed decks may have to withstand a tremendous weight of water shipped in heavy weter. The deck plating is connected to beams which transmit the load to longitudinal girders and to the side frame.
In machinery spaceother factors must be taken into account. Forces of pulsating nature are transmitted through the structuredue to the general out balance forces of machinery parts. The machinery seats must be extremely well supported to prevent movement of the machinery.
A considerable force is exerted on the bottom and side shell by the water surrounding the ship. The double bottom floors and sides frames are designed to withstand these forces, while the shell plating must be thick enough to prevent bucking between the floor and frames. Since water pressure increased with the depth of immersion, the bottom shell must be thicker than the side shell.
When the ship passes through waves, these forces of pulsating nature and may vary considerably in high waves, while in bad weather conditions the shell plating above the waterline will receive severe hammering

more assignment

Hi handsome!!
Like always, im gonna talk about my assignment which is milling machine
First of all, i was given this assignment by our instructor, Sir Saini. He give this assignment on Monday, 15 April 2013. Its an honor to receive an assignment from my greatest,awesome & gentlemen instructor.
Its really easy like always and its a new record for me as i break my records of 15 min to 10 min.
Bye handsome. mwahh mwahh ;)


Hi guys
Today im gonna talk about my assignment i did just yesterday
I was given an assignment from my instructor, Sir Saini. This assignment title is Assembly drawing. The objective is to draw details and assembly drawings for a wide range of Marine Engineering application. The date I received this assignment was on 14/4/2013 and  submit it on 30/4/2013.Its an honor as a future marine engineer to take the assignment from a greatman.
I was manage to make it in time and yeah im really did it.

Sabtu, 27 April 2013

That's is my presentation

Hi to all my buddy only haha

Ive already present u guys bout my presentation as promise yesterday. As always shacking and nervous never end for me. at that time Im very u know very deep scare. I dont know how to describe my scare. Honestly I dont knowif present u an awesome topic but keep in mind that the topic is important to our life. If u guys enjoy my presentation yesterday, its an honor as an human to take a compliment from u guys.

HI and bye.

Ladies and Gentlemen
Today im gonna talk bout my presentation tomorrow.  My presentation topic is Membentuk masyarakat yang bertatasusila, beretika dan berakhlak yang berlandaskan MIB sangat digalakkan di negara ini. Huraikan
and gonna present it in LT Room. To be honest with u guys  Im pretty nervous, shaking and scare now.
sometimes i wonder what make me so scare and as the time passes i know the answer already

Bye lalalalala